The  Essene Church of Peace

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Much of our spiritual practice is done individually and on a daily basis. Like other Essene faiths, daily communions and contemplations are an integral part of our spiritual practice. Unlike other Essene faiths, we do not see the communions and contemplations as a necessary order or method of worship.

Rather, we see them as an efficient and helpful arrangement that allows us to worship all aspects of our faith completely each week, ever deepening our understanding of and alignment with the Living Law. Following them verbatim or in the same order as prescribed is not necessary for our faith. The living word of God can be studied, worshiped and the Law followed without this formal practice. The choice is left to the individual.

Our church has symbols that serve as an additional tool for complete worship that are tied to the traditional daily communions and contemplations which have been adjusted to reflect our sect's beliefs. Many of our clergy and congregation have beads, sashes, and the like with these symbols to assist in our spiritual worship. A bookmark of them is available for download here.


(Sun) = Heavenly Father, Sunshine

(Consentric Circles) = Mother Earth, Fertility

(Plant) = Life

(Arrow) = Acting Body, Action

(Wavelength Arrow) = Thinking Body, Thought

(Heart Arrow) = Feeling Body, Love in Action

(Heart) = Love

(Cloud) = Air

(Face with Energetic Air) = Breath

(2 Wavy Lines) = Water

(Water in Cyclical Action) = Circulation

(Open Eye) = Consciousness

(Bee) =Creative Work, Cooperation

(Crescent Moon) = Crescent Moon

(Energized Wavelength Arrow) = Enlightened Thought

(Grapes) = Food, Abundance

(2 People) = Humanity, Society, Community

(Infinity) = Infinity, Universal, All, Everything, Infinite

(Happy Face) = Joy, Happiness

(3 Hearts) = Ohana (Family), Close Friendship

(Peace Sign) = Peace, Harmony

(Plus Sign) = Positive

(3 Arrows) = Power, Action in All Directions

(Growing Plant) = Growth, Regeneration

(Energized Person with Sun Body) = Solar Center

(Connected Stars) = Stars, Nerves, Electric

(Energized Sun Acting Upwards) = Sunrise

(Energized Person's Thought to Another) = Teacher/Student relationship, Transferrance of Knowledge

(Tree) = Union of Life & Air, Tree, Nature


Download a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) bookmark of these symbols labeled with the days of the week here.


Sunset is the traditional beginnin of the Essene week and the beginning of the Sabbath.

Here we have the symbols for Infinity and Consciousness to represent the conscepts of cosmic consciousness, the cosmic ocean, universal consciousness and the relationship of everyone/thing as One, with a united consciousness and the eternity of time and all things. Awareness of this unity awakens the individual along a unity with the Supreme Power of All and vice versa in an infinitely enlightened manner.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "The Infinite All Powerful Universe and I are One," while expanding your consciousness beyond yourself and sensing this Eternal Truth. We are communing with the Oneness of All and the nature of existence beyond our life. It is about our own particular final union with the infinitely eternal and boundless cosmic ocean of energy from everyone and everything that exists throughout time and tapping into it now, without the necessity of dying first. This communion of all time, space and existence awakens cosmic consciousness enabling the individual to unite with the Supreme Power of Oneness, now, while living on our Mother Earth, and when fully realized is a true communion with God.


Morning: The first column is the morning communion where we find the symbols for Mother Earth and Food. We commune with the Earthly Mother's nurturing and nutrition of the edible plants She provides for us.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "The Earthly Mother and I are one. She gives the food of Life to my whole body," while sensing the currents of Her flowing in you and intensifying, directing your body's metabolism, digestion and utilization of food.

Mid-Day: This middle column is the noon contemplation where we find the symbols for the Heavenly Father and Eternal Life (a combination of Infinity and Life).

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Our Father who art in Heaven, send to all your Angel of Peace; to your kingdom, our Heavenly Father, your Angel of Eternal Life," while contemplating a peace with the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father and Eternal Life.

Evening: The traditional weekly Sabbath ends at sunset today. The last column for today represents the evening communion and we find the symbols for Eternal Life and Positive Thought.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Eternal Life, descend upon me and give Eternal Life to my spirit," while communing with the angel of eternal life and sensing a union with the superior planets' currents of thought. This is done in order to gain power to overcome the sphere of gravitation from earthly currents of thought, thus expanding your personal potential and releasing limitations that could otherwise hold back your progress.


Morning: The first column is the morning communion where we find the symbol for Growth and Regeneration twice. This communion is with the angel of earth (soil) and is about the relationship between the growth and regeneration of life in the soil with the regeneration of life in our bodies.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of the Earth, enter my generative organs and regenerate my whole body," while sensing the life energy of the life-generating soil, growing grass and other plants. You can then channel that energy, feeling the currents of the angel of earth, and transform any excess sexual energy into regenerative forces as needed or just apply the energy from the life of nature directly for regeneration.

Mid-Day: The middle column is the noon contemplation where we find the symbols for Joy and Mother Earth.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Our Father who art in heaven, send to all your Angel of Peace; to the kingdom of our Earthly Mother, the Angel of Joy," while contemplating a peace with the joy that is inherent in the life of the Earthly Mother.

Evening: The symbols in the last column for today represent Creative Work and Abundance. We commune with the angel of creative work here and recognize the value of creative work in humans and all other earthly creatures as well. Thinking about bees at work can help illustrate the concept.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Creative Work, descend upon humanity and give abundance to all," while tuning into the cooperative and creative work of humanity in all spheres of existence. This will help us create and enhance the synergy of creative work with others, resulting in abundance for all.


Morning: The symbols in the first column represent the Vital Life Force and Trees. This communion is with the Angel of Life and is focused on the vitality we can attain through contact and communing with trees and forests in particular today.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Life, enter my limbs and give strength to my whole body," while sensing and absorbing the vital forces that the generous trees and forests emit and willingly share with us. Meditating on this communion can bring an understanding of why our symbol for Life is a growing plant as well as why it is included in the one for trees.

Mid-Day: The noon contemplation's symbols in the middle column here represent Wisdom and Culture.

You may say to yourself, "Our Father who art in heaven, send to all your Angel of Peace; to our knowledge the Angel of Wisdom," while contemplating a peace with culture, the teacher/student relationship of attaining knowledge and the wisdom gained through both via Earthly and Heavenly teachers alike.

Evening: The last column for Monday has symbols representing Peace and the Crescent Moon. We enjoy communing with the moon, whatever phase it may be in at the time, and the Angel of Peace here.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Peace, peace, peace, Angel of Peace, be always everywhere," while sensing the gentle and peaceful reflected solar energy from the moonlight emanating throughout all that exists. It is a wonderful time to invoke and visualize universal peace in all spheres of existence, seeing the peace spread with the light infinitely outward, absorbing and taking hold everywhere and in everything it touches.


Morning: This first column's symbols represent Joy and Nature's Beauty. Here we take time to notice and enjoy the beauty in nature and find ourselves communing with the Angel of Joy as well.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Joy, descend upon Earth and give beauty to all beings," while noticing things like the colors of the sunrise/sunset, the song of a bird or the aroma of a flower and absorb the vibrations of joy from the beauties of nature. This is our natural state.

Mid-Day: The symbols in this middle column for the noon contemplation represent Humanity and Social Action.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Our Father who art in heaven, send to all your Angel of Peace; to humanity the Angel of Work," while contemplating a peace with work and cooperation for all of humanity to benefit All.

Evening: This evening's symbols in the last column here represent Power and Stars. We commune with the Angel of Power as we focus on the relationship between the energies of the stars and those of our nervous system.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Power, descend upon my Acting Body and direct all my acts," while sensing the vital forces from the Universe and absorbing this energy from the stars in particular into the nervous system of our Acting Body. With this energy and guidance from the Angel of Power our actions become more efficiently and effectively in alignment with the Law and our beliefs. As with all of our communions and contemplations, we are not limiting our communion to the stars here, as we are communing with all that exists and the cosmic ocean of Life as well, yet we are focusing on the stars and their energies in particular for this practice.


Morning: Here we have symbols for the Sunrise and the Solar Center in the first column. This communion recognizes the necessity of Sunshine for our lives on our Mother Earth as well as the similarity of the energy emanating from the Sun and our own life force energies.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Sun, enter my Solar Center and give the fire of life to my whole body," while sensing the energy of the solar forces of the rising sun, directing the accumulated solar forces to radiate through your solar center (located at your solar plexus) which then disperses it outward from that center to reach every part of your body and beyond.

Mid-Day: Love and Ohana (Family) are the symbols representing the noon contemplation for today.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Our Father who art in heaven, send to all your Angel of Peace; to our family and friends the Angel of Love." while contemplating the peace we gain through our love of family and friends and wishing them all beautifully loving and peaceful relationships. We focus on our feeling body here and enjoy the love we feel there naturally.

Evening: Symbols for Love in Action and Eternal Love are in the last column for today. This communion of our Feeling Body with the Angel of Love extends our Mid-Day's contemplation and expands our feeling of giving and receiving love to everyone and everything that exists in all time.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Love, descend upon my Feeling Body and purify all my feelings," while sending and attracting positive currents of feeling to and from all beings on Earth as well as those in the cosmic ocean of Love.


Morning: Water and Circulation are the symbols that represent today's morning communion, illustrating the relationship & similarity between the circulation of the waters on/in our Mother Earth with our own circulation of blood.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Water, enter my blood and give the water of Life to my whole body," while sensing the energies of the currents of the Angel of Water in the rain, rivers, oceans, and all water intensifying and then direct this energy to improve the quality and circulation of our own blood.

Mid-Day: Today's noon contemplation is represented by the symbols for Power and the Thinking Body in the center column here. As with most of the other mid-day contemplations, we are preparing ourselves for the evening communion.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Our Father who art in heaven, send to all your Angel of Peace; to our mind the Angel of Power," while contemplating a peace with our mind's actions and the Thinking Body.

Evening: Our last worship for today is represented by the symbols for Enlightened Thought and All Thought in the last column. We seek guidance from the Angel of Wisdom in order to improve the spiritual quality of our thought.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Angel of Wisdom, descend upon my Thinking Body and enlighten all my thoughts," while sensing the pool of knowledge, or cosmic ocean of thought, that consists of all thought that exists throughout time by everything. We focus on sending and attracting the most positive and useful thoughts, ones that will help us better align our Thinking Bodies to the Law, our beliefs as well as follow our practices more effectively and efficiently.


Morning: We start the day with a morning communion represented by symbols in the first column here for Air and Breath recognizing the necessity of the Angel of Air for our breath and therefore our lives on Mother Earth.

You may say aloud* or to yourself, "Angel of Air, enter my lungs and give the air of Life to my whole body," while communing with the Angel of Air by breathing deeply** and rhythmically sensing the positive and vital energies of the atmosphere and air itself absorb into your lungs which disperses it throughout your body.
*If you say this aloud you must start the breathing afterwards.
**This practice is best done in nature and/or a place with the cleanest air you can find.

Mid-Day: The noon contemplation is represented in the second column here by the symbols for Life and the Acting Body.

You may say aloud or to yourself, "Our Father who art in heaven, send to all your Angel of Peace; to our body the Angel of Life," while contemplating a peace with taking actions that extend and enrich our bodies' life. It prepares us for the upcoming evening communion with God and completes the cycle of the daily individual spiritual practices.


In addition to these daily individual practices completed in a week, every seventh day is traditionally the Essene Sabbath and is devoted to one of the aspects of peace. Communal gatherings are traditionally held commencing on Friday evening. Our church has moved these weekly communal gatherings to Sundays for convenience and gather in various spots to celebrate our faith together with music, raw food, friends and fun. Every seventh Sabbath is called the Great Sabbath and is traditionally dedicated to peace with the Heavenly Father. This is the transcendental peace, containing all other aspects of peace.


WINTER SOLSTICE This is the day with the shortest amount of sunlight of the year, and longest moonlight as a result. This day is a time for quiet & peaceful meditation and early bed times. The following day starts the process of lengthening days and is a time for celebrating the abundance we have been enjoying throughout the year and sharing it with others. Cornucopias of fruit, community feasts and gift giving are among the practices undertaken the day following this solstice and is dedicated to the peacefulness of the moonlight. Peace with the Kingdom of the Earthly Mother.

SPRING EQUINOX This day marks the mid-point between the two solstices and has equal length day-light and moon-light. It marks the beginning of a period of where the days will continue to lengthen their daylight hours, which extends our waking hours and production as a result. Balance, hope and anticipation of the coming days as well as flowers and fertility are themes for this day's community gathering which is dedicated to.... Peace with and balance of the body and mind.

SUMMER SOLSTICE This is the longest day of sunlight in the year and the shortest of moonlight as a result. It is a day for celebration, joy and abundance which is dedicated to the peacefulness of work and cooperation with others. Peace with the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father.

FALL EQUINOX Like the Spring Equinox, this day marks the mid-point between the two solstices and has a balance of sun-light and moon-light. The daylight will continue to shorten on our way towards the Winter Solstice while the nights are lengthening. We celebrate more rest and time for creativity, spiritual and intellectual pursuits. Peace with and balance with the family, humanity and culture.

EARTH DAY This is a special day for our church, as this is a time when we can share our love of Mother Earth with the outer community and celebrate Her together.

In this way every phase and aspect of a person's life and that of others is given consideration, one after another, and completes our regular and cyclical spiritual practices.


The Essene Church of Peace


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Peace be with you.

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